You might have heard me mention something about having to get to De Smet after LauraPalooza this last year. This news story and a second story they’ve delayed on Pioneer Girl are why. Dakota Life is a TV magazine on South Dakota Public Television. Larry Rohrer is the host. Click here to watch the episode online.
They also have a Dakota Life playlist on the South Dakota Public Television YouTube channel, but so far this isn’t there.
(The photo on the left is from a previous trip where several of the LIWLRA board members met up there and as you can see we had a picnic while waiting for the show to start.I’m afraid it’s about the only shot of myself at the pageant.)
There is an unrelated story first up on the episode (a church is delivering charity parcels to Haiti in person), so let it play or skip ahead to 13:00. Jumping ahead works best if you let it play through first, so minimize and mute and then go back. I had trouble getting it to start playing again when I tried to start with the jump without letting it load and play through first, but maybe you’ll have better luck.
It starts playing on a small screen within a screen, but the icon in the lower right hand corner of the playback video (a solid square with a broken outline square around it) takes it full screen. It flips to saying “Full Screen” if you hover the cursor over the right thing. I’ve included time cues to things you might want to find again.
13:42 Opens up on shot of Ingalls Homestead and the West Bethany Church
13:50 Marion Cramer interview starts, followed by more Ingalls Homestead footage
14:30 Joan Sullivan as Ma Ingalls at Ma’s House on Ingalls Homestead
14:35 De Smet Pageant
14:40 Sarah Uthoff shout out with footage of me watching the De Smet Pageant, Followed by part of my interview
15:30 Me walking on the Ingalls Homestead doing my best Julie Andrews impression
16:00 De Smet Cemetery and back to De Smet Pageant
16:20 Catherine Tritle, Pageant Board Member. The De Smet pageant is moving to rotating through the books in order, one per year, where before they sometimes would keep a title a couple of years in a row.
16:40 Jay Vanduch, Pageant Director and behind the scenes prep stuff
19:00 Larry Somsen, De Smet Pageant Volunteer (today he works the sound system)
19:20 Marion Cramer again
20:20 A little more Marion Cramer
Ends 21:00
Sarah S. Uthoff blogs at TrundleBed Tales; look for her on Twitter and YouTube and Blog Talk Radio
Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association, Vice-President and Membership Chair
Great job, Sarah! Loved your Julie Andrews, too!
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