I know that for many, this chapter is all about the story of Grandpa and the Sled. If you were atLauraPalooza22, this story came to life thanks to Patty Dowd Schmitz, who shared pictures andvideo of t
Little House in the Big Woods Readalong, Chapter 4
“CHRISTMAS”The very name of the chapter illicited gasps of delight from my 1st-3rd graders as Iread Little House in the Big Woods aloud to them this fall. In all my decades of readingand loving Laura,
Little House in the Big Woods-Readalong, Chapter 3
Last year, I spoke at my father’s funeral. I started out by saying how anyone who knew me knew it wouldn’t be very long until I mentioned Laura Ingalls Wilder, and if you knew my father it would
Little House in the Big Woods – Readalong, Chapter 2
In my childhood home there was a 6×6 square ‘hallway’ of sorts where there were two bedroom doors, a bathroom door and archway into the living room. If the three doors were shut it made a perfect pion
Little House in the Big Woods – Readalong, Chapter 1
If the notion of a read-along is new to you, you’re in for a treat – check the LIWLRA.org website (https://www.liwlra.org/little-house-readalongs/) for all the posts on the previous books. We started i