LauraPalooza 2017
Little Houses, Mighty Legacy: Celebrating 150 Years of Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association is pleased to sponsor the fourth LauraPalooza conference, to be held at the University Plaza Hotel in Springfield, Missouri on July 12–14, 2017.
Additional location, lodging, and registration information will be released at a later date. We will open a block of rooms with special group rates in plenty of time for you to book your room ahead of the conference!
Call for Papers:
We now invite submissions of paper, panel, and workshop proposals for review and possible acceptance for presentation.
The theme of this year’s conference captures the 150th anniversary of Laura’s birth – a sesquicentennial to celebrate! Presentations may wish to focus on lasting impacts of Laura’s life and legacy in all related subject areas. Of course, we also welcome viewpoints on those who were closest to Laura – her husband and daughter, the Ingalls family members, and Laura’s friends and sphere of influence. Potential presenters are welcome to interpret the theme as they like.
“LauraPalooza” embodies the community spirit, work ethic, and social interaction embraced by the Ingalls and Wilder families. Academic presentations mingle with dime socials and spelling bees. Join scholars, writers, and professionals who specialize in Ingalls and Wilder literary, historical, and cultural impacts.
Topics may include:
- Recognition of the impact of Laura Ingalls Wilder on society, culture, history, education, and other areas of interest
- The broad influence that the “Little House” stories have had on American popular culture
- The history and imagery of the books and their cultural, educational, political, and social influences
- The preservation of American folk music, food, and handwork
- The strategic and political influence of farming and farming culture in American history
- The long-term ramifications of the 1862 Homestead Act on American culture
- The intersection of the Ingalls and Wilder families with Missouri’s culture and history
- The ever–widening circle of Rose’s politically Libertarian belief structures
- Historical racism and its lasting effects
- New discoveries in individual research that add to the legacies of Laura, the Ingalls family, and the Wilder family
- Any other way you might interpret the legacies of the Ingalls and Wilder families
Submit your proposal in the form of a 200- to 1,000-word abstract, outlining your idea and research, by the end of the day on Rose Wilder Lane’s birthday: December 5, 2016. All proposals should include a 200-word bio as would be appropriate for the conference program. Panel proposals should include bios for all panelists and his/her topic of discussion. Workshop proposals should include an outline of the workshop curriculum and materials or room setup needed. Be sure to include all contact information.
Please note: The Call for Papers is now CLOSED.
Abstracts should be sent via email to Dr. Barbara Mayes Boustead, conference co-chair, at Acceptance notifications will be sent out via email on Laura Ingalls Wilder’s birthday: February 7, 2017. Those with accepted proposals will be expected to register for and attend the LauraPalooza 2017 conference.
More information about the conference, including logistical information such as meeting location and registration, featured speakers, and other announcements will be posted at and
Hello. I was wondering when you intend to put up the hotel reservation information. I like to plan my trips early and need this info.
Thank you.
Happy Holidays
Mary Blakemore
The conference will be held at University Plaza, in Springfield, Missouri. To make your room reservations, contact the hotel directly and mention “LauraPalooza” for our designated conference rate. Conference registration details will be released on Laura’s birthday, 7 February 2017, and you will be able to register for the conference itself at that time, but you are welcome to reserve your room now!
Hi Mary,
The room block for the meeting is now open! To reserve a room, please visit the University Plaza Hotel website: ( or call the hotel directly: (1-417-864-7333).
Use the code “LIWLRA” to secure a room at our conference rate of $98/night, plus tax. This special rate is also good for 2 days before AND after the meeting!
Additional details about the conference, including registration pricing and sessions schedule, will be announced in February. The conference will begin with an informal evening social on Tuesday, 11 July, followed by two full days of sessions and a half day on Friday, 14 July 2017. We’re excited to have you join us!
Happy New Year,
Melanie Stringer
Thanks for this information. My family were neighbors and friends of the Wilders in Mansfield, Missouri for many years. I am trying to increase my 8 year-old son’s interest in pioneer history, and with this family connection, I am hoping to take him to the conference. We live near Springfield, Missouri, so we do not need rooms. Do you have a link to the conference schedule of events? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Daniel,
The schedule of events has not been finalized, but it will be announced–along with registration details–in just a few short weeks. Watch this space, and/or or Facebook and Twitter accounts, for updates.
Facebook and Twitter accounts use the same ID: Beyond Little House (@LIWLegacy)
We also have a public Facebook Group: LauraPalooza (next conference 2017)
We’d love to have you follow us on any of our media channels, and of course we look forward to seeing you at LauraPalooza this July!
~Melanie Stringer,
Can’t wait!
Is registration open already? I get an error when I click on the registration button at the Laurapalooza 2017 page, and I’m not sure if it’s my computer or if registration isn’t open yet.
Hello Judith,
Registration for LauraPalooza 2017 has not begun just yet. We’re all very excited for the conference, but must attend to all the final details before announcing, lest we put the conestoga before the proverbial team of Morgans!
We will make a formal announcement on all of our online media channels when the time comes. That means the announcement will be on this website, and on our Facebook (Beyond Little House) and Twitter (@LIWLegacy) accounts, as well as in the Facebook group “LauraPalooza (next conference 2017)” when registration begins. We expect to go live with registration in the next few weeks.
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone in Springfield, Missouri, this July!
Melanie Stringer,
Hi Melanie:
I’m wondering if registration is open yet for Laurapalooza 2017? I have made hotel reservations in Springfield but I don’t know how much the 3 day conference costs. Let me know when you can. I’m looking forward to this since it will be my first time. I’ve been a long time fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder since I was raised in Winona, Mn, which is only a few miles across the Mississippi River from her Pepin, Wisconsin home. I went to a one room schoolhouse and our teacher read Laura’s books to us after recess.
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