by Laura McLemore
Calling all volunteers!
Great conferences don’t just happen. The LauraPalooza Steering Committee depends on the able hands, minds, and most of all, talents of our membership. In both 2010 and 2012 we’ve relied on a core volunteer group to help plan and prepare for each conference. We need that again this conference year.

The Silent Auction committee oversees auction donations, prepares donations for display at the conference, and manages the bidding process on site.
Additionally, once we are on site, we need folks to help keep every aspect of the conference running smoothly. That’s where you come in. Would you please consider volunteering before or at LauraPalooza ’15?
A variety of committees are currently seeking help. Each committee has an already-assigned committee chair and an outline of duties. All that is lacking are your helping hands. Perhaps your talents fit one of the following:
- Merchandising: determines conference souvenir merchandise;
- Camp Laura (still tentative): our awesome camp for children;
- Technology: confirms technological requirements for presenters and speakers beforehand and works closely with campus technology liaison;
- Publications: assists with the preparation and distribution of all conference publications;
- Logistics: makes sure that all the behind-the-scenes logistical preparations (food, lodging, room set-up, etc.) are made and carried out;
- Media Relations/ Public Relations: prepares and sends all press releases, works to get media coverage prior to and during the conference;
- Program Advertising: secures advertising for the conference program;
- Vendors: secures vendors; assists with vendor set-up on-site; ensures a positive experience for vendors;
- Membership: assists on-site with membership questions;
- Silent Auction: secures donations, assists with on-site aspects of the auction.
The primary need is on site. Our greatest area of need will be on-site during the conference. In addition to the above we will need volunteers to help in areas such as signage placement, program distribution, registration, banquet table set-up, hospitality for conference attendees, dorm preparations, and many more areas to be determined in the coming year. We would love to have a large pool of volunteers willing to help us next summer in Brookings.
All volunteers will receive a free T-shirt and recognition in the conference program.
As Ma said, many hands make light work. A commitment of just an hour or two can make a big difference. If you are interested in volunteering before or during the conference please let us know your committee or area of interest. The appropriate committee head will follow up with you about what’s going on with that team.
Don’t wait. We need to make hay while the sun shines.
Put me on merchandising and media relations/pr (for social media).
Sarah! I’m heading up the committee and would love to chat. Can you email me at erin at erinblakemore dot com? 🙂
I’m hoping that I can come and I would love to help out if I can. I think that I would be best suited in the media relations–social media, etc.
Definitely put me down to help with Camp Laura. I hope we can have it again!
For all of those who have commented here with willingness to volunteer, please be sure to also fill out the volunteer form (linked in the article). That’s what makes it official! Thank you!
I’m heading the merchandising committee, so please email me as well:
Thanks for volunteering, and don’t forget to fill out the official form if you haven’t already!
I would like to talk to you about the logistics spot please emailed at one above. Many have asked me can we stay at the dorms? I will be here until sept 29 hubby are going a way for our 24th anniverssry and will be back after oct 4 thanks sue
Hi Sue, we are still working out the lodging options for LauraPalooza. We will let everyone know as soon as we have something in stone.
Can’t wait for this event. I would be interested in helping with merchandising, membership Camp Laura or Silent Auction.
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