Imagery, Illustrations, and Impressions from the Little House
July 16-17, 2015
South Dakota State University
Brookings, South Dakota
Sponsored by the Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association
Current LIWLRA members received an email yesterday with these details and a special discount code. Now it’s time to open registration to one and all!  Find everything you need to know about the registration process here.
If you’re ready, click here to start your registration.
If you have any other questions or if you have any trouble with the registration site, or if you’re not sure which option to choose, please email us at and we would be happy to assist.
Important Note About Payment
Because of the high processing rates charged by the conference registration site, we gently request that if possible, you pay for the conference by check. When you check out, if you are able to pay by check, click the “Show Other Payment Options” link below the green “Order Now” button at the bottom of the form, then click “Pay Offline.”  Otherwise, you can pay with a credit card. (We do understand that it is easier for international registrants to pay online.)
I will be staying in Desmet Friday abd sat.
How is everyone getting to Laurapalooza? I am taking Greyhound from Wisconsin.
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