A little later than I originally hoped, but here is Day 1 of this year’s LauraPalooza videos.
I start out Wed., July 11, 2012 driving to Mankato, Minnesota. Along the way I run across a lot of road construction and And One More on the Way sites (or at least information about) Mason City, the SPAM Museum and, one featured in a draft for LauraPalooza 2015, Owantanna, Minnesota. Once we get to Mankato, it’s almost time for the Ice Cream Social. One quick change later, I’m there and we hear Amy Lauters welcome speech, a greeting from Shirley Knakmuhs, and Daniel Rabe weighs in on the ice cream. Finally in one of my favorite people recordings this time with Karen and Kevin Pearce saying how much they liked my LauraPalooza 2010 videos.
Sarah S. Uthoff blogs at TrundleBed Tales; look for her on Twitter and YouTube and Blog Talk Radio
Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association, Vice-President and Membership Chair
Thank you very much for giving me such a great weekend……This job was not really work for me…I loved it!! I met hundreds of people I still hear from. LIW did me a great service!!! Thank you again…SHirley
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