Prairie Fires presents a vast amount of information, which can make some members hesitate in participating in the readalong. If you’re feeling intimidated, it might be because you’ve been lulled
Prairie Fires Readalong – Maiden Rock
Rich people are easy to write about. They tend to leave a legacy – letters, photographs, records of their lives. Poor people, on the other hand, leave little behind – a family Bible, maybe, a cherishe
Prairie Fires Readalong – On The Frontier
At the beginning of “On the Frontier,” Caroline Fraser describes the Big Woods in a way that is reminiscent of Laura’s description at the beginning of “Little House in the Big Woods,” even including a
Prairie Fires Readalong – Introduction
Don’t you love a book that provides an immediate emotional response and also causes you to ponder questions from the very first sentence? Caroline Fraser’s first sentence in Prairie